Motion Capture Course: Zero Knowledge to Full Understanding | Harvey Newman

About This Course

Zero Knowledge to fully Understanding Mocap

Harvey Newman: 20+ years experience in AAA game projects

Released Projects
Years Experience

Beginner Friendly

  • Ideal for motion capture newcomers
  • Accommodates all skill levels
  • Provides essential knowledge
  • Start working immediately

Experienced Friendly

  • Designed for professional animators
  • Enhance existing mocap skills
  • Advanced techniques and insights
  • Seamless integration into projects

Optimized Characters

  • Characters optimized for Maya and Unreal Engine
  • Features Nubian character
  • Expert rigging by Kiel Figgins
  • Top-quality performance guaranteed

Ready for Unreal 5.4

  • Assets optimized for Unreal Engine 5.4
  • Seamless animation integration
  • Enhanced workflow in game environment
  • Improved final output quality


  • Rigged by Kiel Figgins
  • Optimized to run smoothly in Maya
  • Game ready for Unreal 5.4
  • An animation rig, created from the ground up with motion capture and hand key in mind.
  • Simple controls out the box for ease of use.
  • Advanced controls available for the most advanced users.
  • A rig that grows with you as you grow as an animator
Facial Controls

Detailed Facial controls that allow you to either handkey or motion capture facial on to this character


Nubian carries with him a rifle, a pistol and also a grenade, these weapons are very versatile and should be more than enough for all your animations


  • Vehicle used by Nubian to explore worlds and moons across the galaxy
  • Fully rigged vehicle
  • Created to scale with Nubian.
  • Ready to be animated alongside Nubian or by itself
  • Extra Cargo Vehicle included and rigged
  • Game Ready
  • Optimized for Unreal 5

Rover Companion

The Rover is a very versatile vehicle that is made to scale to the Nubian character and is ready to be used on your Animated/Motion Capture Scenes.

The Rover is game ready for Unreal 5


The Rover also has a carrier attachment that can be hidden if necessary to carry extras, it's up to you to decide if you'd like to use it.
The carrier is also fully rigged and game ready


  • The big spaceship that Nubian uses to traverse the Universe
  • The Interstellar can carry the Rover inside it.
  • Made to scale with Nubian
  • Optimized to run smoothly in Maya and game ready for Unreal 5
  • Simple controls out the box for ease of use.
  • Advanced controls available for the most advanced users.

Big Fella

The Interstellar is the spaceship that Nubian uses to traverse the universe and as such is made to scale and it's quite big and bulky.

Game Ready and Optimized for Unreal 5

Rover Carrier

The Interstellar is big enough to carry the Rover inside it, which makes it the perfect companion vehicle to traverse the stars.

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